It's so nice to meet you!

Published on 3 June 2023 at 02:20

I'm Janel Robinson, and I'm thankful you're taking the time to read my blog! A little about me....I am a mother of ten (yes, 10!) kids, I am a dental hygienist who is passionate about my career and my patients, I'm a Christian, a sister, a daughter, a friend, and occasionally an adversary.

Why am I blogging? Does anyone care what I think or what I have to say?  I hope so, but I honestly don't know! I have many passions, talents, gifts, abilities, and insatiable curiosity about people and their "whys".  I hope to find a community of others who want to learn, laugh, love, and grow with me.  Are you in???? This will be so much better if you say yes and check in from time-to-time!

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